November 10

1984 Volvo 244 – Heater Blower Motor Replacement

Auto Repair, Volvo


Our featured repair for Friday is heater blower motor replacement on a 1984 Volvo 244.

heater blower motor
The Volvo 244. A boxy but very reliable and durable car.

Heater blower motor replacement is a service required on many cars. Unfortunately for Volvo 244 owners this is a very expensive job: not for the cost of parts which are cheap, but for the intensive labour process to remove and replace the blower motor.

The motor sits inside the heater/fan box mounted under the center of the dash. During vehicle construction this was one of the first interior components installed. The dash and all other components were installed afterwards and put in over-top of the heater box.

With the blower motor mounted in between 2 fan blades there was no consideration given by the manufacturer for easy replacement of this part.

The new blower motors have a redesigned mounting plate which requires custom modifications to be performed on the heater box.

As essential as the heater blower motor is to a car’s comfort and safety we have seen many Volvo cars over the years where the owners simply leave this broken part nonfunctional due to the high repair cost.

The good news is that Volvo 240 series cars and their heater blower motors last a long time. The bad news is that because the cars last so long inevitably the fan motor will die.

If you own a newer Volvo (built in the 2000s and up), most heater blower motors are a simple replacement and relatively inexpensive.

For more on the Volvo 240 please view this link

To see just how complicated a repair procedure this is click here


heater blower motor
The underdash of the Volvo with heater and fan box exposed.The fans and blower motor have been removed. The yellow arrow points to the location of the fans and heater blower motor.

About the author 

Bernie Pawlik

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