November 20

2001 Chevy Silverado 2500HD – Duramax Diesel – Head Gasket Replacement

Auto Repair, Chevy Trucks GM Trucks


Today’s featured service is Head Gasket Replacement on a 2001 Chevy Silverado 2500HD Pickup truck with Duramax Diesel.

2001 Chevy Silverado 2500HD

The Duramax might well be the most reliable of the “Big Three” automaker’s diesel engines. The Duramax diesel is a combined Isuzu/GM venture.

Even the most reliable engines can have problems and this one needed head gasket replacement due to coolant leaking into the cylinders.

As with all modern diesel engines head gasket replacement is a very time consuming job, taking almost a week to dismantle and reassemble.

There are several hundred parts and pieces that need to be removed and reinstalled on this engine to complete the job. While cab removal is not necessary like on a Ford 6 liter diesel head gasket job the Chevy diesel repair actually takes longer to perform.

For more on the GM Duramax Diesel check this link

For more on the Chevy Silverado Pick up check this link

Some of the many parts that are removed during the duramax cylinder head replacement
Cylinder head surface after cleaning. Note the burn marks in the fire ring area around the cylinder on left side. These marks were removed after the head was resurfaced.




About the author 

Bernie Pawlik

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