April 30

2003 Ford F350 6 Liter Diesel – Oil Pan and Exhaust Manifold Replacement

Auto Repair, Ford


Our latest featured service is oil pan and exhaust manifold replacement on a 2003 Ford F350 6 liter diesel truck.

Ford F350
2003 Ford F350 Super Duty

We repair a lot of Ford 6 liter diesel trucks at our shop and most repairs revolve around bad fuel injectors, FICMs, plugged oil coolers, failed EGR coolers and blown head gaskets.

This truck however came in for none of the above: in fact it ran very well. What was happening is the oil pan was leaking due to severe rust. This vehicle had obviously seen some pretty salty conditions as there was a great deal of rust under the vehicle.

Ford F350
Severely Rusted 6 Liter Diesel Oil Pan

Our client’s other concern was that exhaust fumes were coming into the cab with the heater turned on. There were no noticeable exhaust leaks when we did our initial inspection.

Removing the oil pan on this truck is an enormous and labour intensive job due to the need to remove the standard transmission and transfer case and then raising the engine.

We decided that removing the cab would give us better access and also make the exhaust system fully accessible for proper diagnosis and easier repairs.

With the cab off we found the exhaust leak to be due to severe rust on the manifolds and two broken off bolts into the cylinder head. So badly was everything corroded that connector pipe bolts could have snapped off any day creating some very severe exhaust leaks.

Ford F350
Severely Rusted Exhaust Manifold

While the overall job was time consuming we replaced the oil pan with a solid new part and both exhaust manifolds with new parts and all hardware.

After repairs the truck ran great, leaked no oil and best of all the heat could be turned on without the smell of exhaust.

The good news for our client was, that by taking the time to remove the cab we saved him a great deal of money on the exhaust repairs.

Please click here to view the video of this service http://goo.gl/Arj7me

For more about the infamous Ford 6 Liter Powerstroke Diesel click here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Power_Stroke_engine

About the author 

Bernie Pawlik

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