November 5

2008 Porsche 911 Turbo – Clutch Operating Cylinder Replacement

Auto Repair, Porsche


Monday’s featured repair is Clutch Operating Cylinder Replacement on a Porsche 911 Turbo Cabriolet.

Clutch Operating Cylinder
2008 Porsche 911 Turbo Cabriolet

The clutch operating cylinder is a fancy name for a clutch slave cylinder, a very common part on most manual transmission equipped vehicles.

This model of Porsche has a unique clutch hydraulic system which features power assistance supplied by the power steering pump.

Our client’s concern was that the clutch fluid level was dropping. Eventually the clutch would not work without a fluid top up. We performed diagnosis on the system but could find no external leaks. By process of elimination we concluded that there was an internal leak within the clutch operating cylinder. The missing fluid was being transferred into the power steering system. Leakage of this sort is unique to this design of clutch hydraulic system.

As with most things Porsche it was a pricey repair with expensive parts and time consuming installation.

This 911 is a beautiful car from every angle and drives like a dream. And so it should with twin turbos and almost 500 horsepower glued to the road with enormous low profile tires and all wheel drive.

For more on the Porsche 911 view this link


Clutch Operating Cylinder
Clutch operating cylinder for 2008 Porsche 911 Turbo


About the author 

Bernie Pawlik

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