May 25

2009 Cadillac CTS – A/C Expansion Valve Replacement

Auto Repair, Cadillac


Our latest featured service is A/C Expansion Replacement on a 2009 Cadillac CTS, brought to us by a client from South Surrey, BC.


A/C Expansion Valve
2009 Cadillac CTS

Air conditioning has always been a part of the luxurious Cadillac experience. High end cars have always been equipped with leading edge technology. What is found in luxury cars often becomes standard equipment in lower end models over time. Air Conditioning is no exception as it is difficult to find a modern car without it.

Our client’s 2009 Cadillac CTS came to us with the Air Conditioning blowing only warm air. After diagnosis we found a blockage in the high pressure side of the system; specifically in the expansion valve. This part is mounted next to the evaporator core and, by partially blocking the high pressure flow of refrigerant, facilitates the cold air in the vehicle. Because the valve was blocked, very little refrigerant could pass.

Replacement of the expansion valve on the 2009 Cadillac CTS is a very time consuming job as the part is buried deep in the dash next to the firewall. In order to access it, the entire instrument panel and dash must be removed. Many parts have to be gently and carefully removed including interior trim, the center console, several electronic modules, the glove box, the radio and climate control panel, wiring harnesses, switches along with heating and ventilation ducts. Of course these all need to be put back together with equal care.

Upon completion the A/C blew cold and our client was ready for his trip to Arizona: a place where Air Conditioning is not an option!

For more on the Cadillac CTS please click here

For more about how A/C works click here

A/C Expansion Valve
A/C expansion valve shown with red arrow. This part sits next to the firewall buried deeply behind the dash.

About the author 

Bernie Pawlik

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