October 24

2006 Mercedes SLK55 AMG – C Service

Auto Repair, Mercedes


Wednesday’s featured repair is a C Service performed on a 2006 Mercedes SLK55 AMG.

2006 Mercedes SLK55 AMG
2006 Mercedes SLK55 AMG

At the heart of the C Service, like all Mercedes maintenance services, is the oil and filter change. Accompanying this is inspection of all fluids, tire pressure adjustments along with a visual under hood and under vehicle inspection. Cabin air filter is also replaced and brake fluid is flushed.

From our inspection any further concerns can be addressed either now, in the near future or at the next service based on the severity of the concern.

This Mercedes is a fabulous sports car. While the SLK 230, with its supercharged 2.3 liter engine is a very peppy and fun car to drive, this vehicle with it’s monstrous 5.4 liter, 355 horsepower V8 engine is a true muscle car. The hardtop convertible is a nice touch on all SLK models combining the benefits of a hardtop car with a convertible. The only sacrifice is the small trunk space when the roof comes down.

For more on the Mercedes SLK see this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes_SLK

For more on the AMG line see this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes-AMG

2006 Mercedes SLK55 AMG
Underhood view of the SLK55 AMG 5.4 liter V8 engine

About the author 

Bernie Pawlik

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